Dr. Valentino R. Cooper

Section Head, Materials Theory, Modeling and Simulations
Materials Science and Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008 MS-6114
Bldg.: 4100, Rm: J304
(865) 574-5164
coopervr [at] ornl.gov

Dr. Yifan Liu

Post-Doctoral Associate
Materials Theory Group
Materials Science and Technology Division
Bldg.: 4100, Rm: A380

liuy6 [at] ornl.gov

Dr. Parul Raghuvanshi

Post-Doctoral Associate
Materials Theory Group
Materials Science and Technology Division
Bldg.: 4100, Rm: A359

raniraghuvpr [at] ornl.gov

Brock Dyer

SULI student
Undergraduate Student
Ursinus College
Bldg.: 4100, Rm: A380

dyerba [at] ornl.gov

Drew Autry

NGSI student
High School Student
Webb High School
Bldg.: 4100, Rm: A359

autrydn [at] ornl.gov

Former visitors, Post-Docs and students:

Alp Kurbay
(SULI student)

Undergraduate Student
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Shree Ram Acharya
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Materials Scientist,

Dr. Krishna Pitike
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Materials Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Dr. Liubin Xu
(GO student)

Graduate Student
University of Tennessee, Knoxville [Ph. D. advisor: Prof. Haixuan Xu]

Mr. Noah Meyer
(HERE student)

Graduate Student

Dr. Axiel Birenbaum
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Post-Doctoral Associate
National Research Council of Canada in the group of Isaac Tamblyn

Prof. Santosh KC
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Assistant Professor
San José State University

Dr. Simuck F. Yuk
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Westpoint Military Academy

Dr. Ryan Herchig
(ASTRO student)

Data Analyst

Dr. Hemant M. Dixit
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Staff Scientist

Prof. Houlong Zhuang
(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Assistant Professor
Arizona State University

Prof. Kelling J. Donald
(Sabbatical Visitor)

Associate Professor of Chemistry
University of Richmond

Mr. Brian K. Voas
(HERE student)

Dr. Nikhil Sivadas
(ASTRO student)

Postdoctoral Associate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Guo Li
(Graduate Student)

CEO & Co-Founder